
Sustainable, regional and social


Whether you like it or not, as soon as you arrive you can feel that all is still right with the world here. That's how it should be. That's how it should stay. We strive to ensure that. For us, sustainability is not just a buzzword. It is a living reality. It is a way of life. Living in nature also means living WITH nature. So, let's take care of this piece of Earth!

The building materials used in our vacation home are largely limited to local wood and concrete. For the Only regional companies were commissioned for the construction, the high quality of Bregenzerwald craftsmanship is known beyond our borders. For example, all the furniture was made by a Bregenzerwald carpenter, from wood, some even from our own forest.

The annual consumption of electricity is supplied by our roof-mounted photovoltaic system, the heating comes from geothermal energy.

Our high-quality drinking water makes the purchase of soda or mineral water unnecessary. There is a water carbonator in every kitchen - creating sparkling water without harming the environment. To save water, we have installed motion-sensor faucets in the sinks.

There is even a coffee roastery in Schwarzenberg. The machine capsules, which can be composted in organic waste, are made from sunflower fibers. The kitchen is equipped with the corresponding coffee machine.

The hand soap and lotion "Herbal Treats by Susanne Kaufmann" is produced in the Bregenzerwald.

The porcelain is handmade for us by the pro mente factory "Ju-On-Job" in Dornbirn. There, psychologically burdened or impaired young people work with great zeal on the production of our plates and bowls.

They even think about avoiding disposable shopping bags or boxes. A shopping bag sewn from used advertising tarpaulins from Ulla is ready for you.
